We have a few dog photography tips to help you get started.
1. Get on your dog’s level
There’s nothing wrong with taking photos of dogs from unusual angles. But it’s important to get on their level sometimes. By getting on their level, you will not only make them feel more comfortable, but it will also encourage you to experiment with new angles. Take this tip to the next level; photograph your dog as it plays, runs, and rests. You’ll have unique photos that you and your clients will love! Shooting from the puppy’s eye level will get you the cutest pictures with a unique perspective.
2. It’s all about the eyes
Those puppy dog eyes are there for a reason. If you use a DSLR Camera, set it in manual mode and focus on the eyes! Although this can be very challenging as dogs are constantly moving around, and you risk your photo being out of focus, if you can manage to keep your pup still and focused, or if your dog is resting or sitting nicely, be sure to focus on the eyes. If you need a little help, set your camera to aperture priority, which means the camera automatically selects a shutter speed for that added stabilization and guidance.
3. Use a solid background for fun dog portraits
This is all based on personal taste, but I love when my focus is on the dog, and there are no other distractions but that loveable, sweet expression and, of course, those big puppy dog eyes. A pop of colour in the background creates an eye-catching visual.
4. Use a wide-angle lens
Short focal lengths allow wide compositions. You can use them to create funny and unusual pictures of your pet. Suppose you aren’t a professional photographer and don’t have access to expensive wide-angle lenses. In that case, you will be happy to know that your average iPhone or Samsung camera has an adequate wide-angle lens built in. However, these photos are not the best candidates to blow up into prints.
5. Distraction, Focus, and Focus
The most challenging aspect of dog photography is keeping your dog focused during a photo session. Be sure to bring small, high-value treats; dogs love Peanut Butter! This also leads to some adorable, tongue-out action shots. If your pup is watching their waistline, a favourite squeaky toy is also a great distraction. Be conscientious of your dog’s attention level, and be sure to give them plenty of breaks and water when they need it.
Hire a professional dog photographer
Have a photographer capture a portrait covering your walls with memories to last a lifetime. To take a quality portrait of your dog takes a lot of time and patience. We use Trisha Snow Photography, based in South Surrey, BC, for all our Dog Photography. Click on the button below to view the photo gallery and learn how to book a session.
For an easier shoot, be sure to read your dog’s personality. Observe your subject and include their strengths in your pictures for the most natural results. If your pet model is very energetic, you’ll be able to prepare yourself for a fast-paced and unpredictable photo shoot. If they enjoy lazing around, you can bring a few treats to catch their attention. Be prepared with a portable dog shower for those outdoor photoshoots to keep those paws clean.
Also, don’t underestimate the amount of physical work this takes – be prepared to be sore from all the squats and planking it takes to get to your dog’s eye level to capture the perfect shot.
We’re looking for our next top dog model!
If you are located in the lower mainland of British Columbia, we’re looking for you!
We are expanding our Dog Photography portfolio and are looking for our next top dog model. For a limited time, we are offering mini dog photography sessions. Each session is approximately 45 min – 1 hour, and you receive five edited digital photos. Prints are also available upon purchase request. To learn more, CONTACT US TODAY!